Digitally transforming real estate records
Land registries record various matters concerning the ownership of real estate and deliver important services to provide accountability for related legal and administration activities. The 7th Real Estate Registry Office of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil maintains the land registry for the region and provides related notary services.
Land registries facilitate a range of legal and administrative processes including the matters relating property deeds, ownership and unlawful disposal. Importantly, they provide critical services to deter fraud. Authentic information and ensuring integrity of historic information is core to delivering all services.
Previously, the Registry Office maintained a large microfilm archive making thedocument retrieval a slow and arduous process. Microfilm and microfiche records are a common archival medium, however the present challenges include decay and wear from handling, along with complicated retrieval processes. As such, digitisation is a key priority for many archives using microfilm.
However, only holding the records in an online environment can also expose them to risk. File corruption, technological obsolescence and online threats can result in data loss, while the risk of data manipulation undermines the core role of archives to keep authentic, accurate records. For the 7th Real Estate Registry Office, finding a digital, long-term and secure solution was a key priority.
The 7th Real Estate Registry office wanted to digitally transform their microfilm archive with a digital solution that could withstand the test of time. The core needs included a storage medium that could ensure authenticity and data integrity, while providing faster access.
Piql’s purpose-built technology was an easy choice, offering the benefits of both the unique qualities of traditional microfilm and digital information. By storing digital information on repurposed photosensitive piqlFilm, the data remains authentic, accessible and secure. As an offline medium, it is not exposed to cyber threats or data manipulation and is completely immune to electromagnetic pulses (EMP), that would destroy other mediums like tape.
The 7th Real Estate Registry Office chose Piql to digitally transform their microfilm records, providing online accessibility with yearly production of piqlFilm, in two copies. The information is stored once, can be read many times, ensures data stays alive for over 500 years and is unchangeable, providing absolute authenticity. With enhanced metadata extraction, information is also easy-to-search, creating significant efficiency savings for the Registry office.