Municipal Archive of Mühlhausen

The municipal archive of Mühlhausen keeps the historical tradition of the former free imperial city of Mühlhausen. The archive is responsible for the preservation of all documents with historical value from the municipal administration.


The archive holds an extensive collection of four independent libraries, with 23,000 volumes on urban and regional history, the history of the Reformation and the Peasants’ War, and the legal and medical history of the 17th and 18th centuries.

The archive wanted to ensure the future for their collection and has begun digitization, starting with the most valuable pieces. This is an ongoing project with only a small portion of the collection currently digitised.

As digitization is just the beginning of the process, the archive needed a digital preservation solution that would safeguard its data for the future, at an affordable cost.


Piql offers the only future-proof digital preservation solution for items with significant historical value.

With much of the collection stored in analogue form on microfilm, Piql offered a tailored solution with greater longevity, greater affordability and guaranteed future access for the growing digital collection.

Piql’s unique technology, with storing both visual and digital in one, on an eternal medium guaranteeing future access, was an easy choice for the archive. The Archive was able to bridge the analogue and digital collections with our hybrid film solution — the only solution of its kind available in the market. The archive has now the ultimate insurance for their stored data—with guaranteed future access.


The archive is continuing to digitize their collection and will preserve more of their data in the future. This project has been such a success for the archive that Piql is replicating the service for other municipal and state archives.